Mark Rudder
Mock Trial Team Supervisor
Mark Rudder is a partner in the Law Office of Mark Rudder, LLC, where their primary focus is on litigation in both worker’s compensation and personal injury matters. He is a 1991 graduate of the Washington University School of Law and was a member of the Mock Trial team during his second and third year of law school. Mark was a member of the Regional winning mock trial team in 1989-1990. Upon graduation, he was the recipient of the William M. Pomerantz Trial Advocacy Award and the John W. Calhoun Trail Practice Award. He became an Adjunct Professor for the undergraduate mock trial team at WashU in 1993 and coached that team for approximately five years. In 1994, Mark became an Adjunct Professor at the law school teaching the Pre-trial course, which he taught for approximately six years. Mark has been an Adjunct Professor with the Mock Trial team since 2000. Mark is the 1998 recipient of the John C. Shepard Professionalism Award and was inducted as an honorary member into the Order of the Coif, Washington University, School of Law, 2005.
- Courses
- Trial Advocacy Competition