Public Interest Law and Policy Speakers 2015-2016
2015-2016 SPEAKERS
The 2015-16 Public Interest Law & Policy Speakers Series features an outstanding line-up of judges, lawyers, authors, and academics with expertise in public interest law and policy. The year-long, interdisciplinary series brings to Washington University nationally and internationally prominent experts in such areas as civil rights, racial justice, capital punishment, international human rights, government public service, and pro bono private practice. Initiated by the Clinical Education Program in 1998 as part of the 25th anniversary of the program, this popular series is now in its eighteenth year.
University of California, Santa Barbara Division of Social Sciences
Topic: Income and Wealth Inequality
Co-Sponsors: Department of Sociology, Brown School Center for Social Development, Weidenbaum Center on Economy, Government, and Public Policy, Assembly Series (Kick off of new Department of Sociology)
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University of Chicago School of Law PROFILETopic: Building Capacity in India: The International Innovation Corps Model
Co-Sponsors: India Initiative, Global Health Center at the Institute for Public Health, Brown School Center for Social Development, and the School of Law Office of Graduate and International Programs, Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute, International Law Society, South Asian Law Students Association
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University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign PROFILETopic: Why Universities Should Be In Prisons
Co-Sponsors: Center for the Humanities, Assembly Series (James E. McLeod Memorial Lecture)
Milwaukee County District Attorney PROFILE and JustLeadershipUSA PROFILETopic: Redefining Justice In America
Co-Sponsors: Brown School Center for Social Development, College of Arts and Sciences, Center for the Humanities, and the Maxine Clark and Bob Fox Policy Institute, Assembly Series
(Smart Decarceration Initiative Inaugural Conference)
Partners in Health PROFILETopic: In the Company of the Poor
Co-Sponsors: Student Union/GlobeMed, Assembly Series John & Flossie Ernest Fund, Department of Anthropology, Institute for Public Health, School of Medicine Biologic Therapeutic Center, School of Law Public Interest Law & Policy Speakers Series and Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute
Professor of Environmental Epidemiology, Harvard University PROFILETopic: Air Pollution, Temperature, and Climate Change: Health Risks and Benefits
Co-Sponsors: Washington University Institute for Public Health, Office of Sustainability and School of Law Interdisciplinary Environmental Clinic and Public Interest Law & Policy Speaker Services
Executive Director, Sexual Minorities Uganda PROFILE
Topic: Building Hope and Moving Forward in Uganda
Co-Sponsors: OUTLaw, Keynote Speaker, 11th Annual Midwest LGBTQ Law Conference, Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute, International Law Society, and Public Interest Law & Policy Speaker Series
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Director, ACLU National Security Project PROFILE
Topic: See Something, Say Something: Post 9/11 National Security Profiling and Policies
Co-Sponsors: Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute, Middle Eastern Law Students Association, Public Interest Law & Policy Speaker Series, and ACLU-Missouri
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Yale University, Professor of Sociology, Washington University Distinguished Visiting Scholar PROFILETopic: The Cosmopolitan Canopy: Challenges for Civil Society.
Co-Sponsors: Department of Sociology; Brown School Center for Social Development; Weidenbaum Center on Economy, Government & Public Policy; School of Law Public Interest Law & Policy Speaker Series and Black Law Students Association; and the University Assembly Series. Support funding from the Office of the Provost: Distinguished Visiting Scholar Program
University of California, Berkeley – Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies
Washington University Distinguished Visiting Scholar PROFILE
Topic: The Women of Casa Xochiquetzal: Corporeal Encounters, Queer Feelings
Co-Sponsors: Department of Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Nooter Fund Endowed Lectured, Provost’s Office, Assembly Series, and School of Law SBA Diversity & Inclusion Committee, OUTLaw, and Public Interest Law & Policy Speaker Series. Support funding from the Office of the Provost: Distinguished Visiting Scholar Program
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Former HBW Professor of Public Health, Harvard University PROFILETopic: Panel Discussion: Gun Violence: A Public Health Crisis
Co-Sponsors: Washington University Institute for Public Health, Brown School, School of Medicine Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Psychology, and School of Law Public Interest Law & Policy Speaker Series
Executive Director, Kean University MSW Program PROFILETopic: The Dynamic Welfare State
Co-Sponsors: Washington University Center for Social Development, Law & Social Work Society