Susan Frelich Appleton
Lemma Barkeloo & Phoebe Couzins Professor of Law
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The Law School has compiled the following list of upper-level courses currently or recently offered to guide students interested in practice areas related to family, gender and sexuality. Related clinics and/or externships are marked with an asterisk and grouped separately at the end of the list. The Law School offers the listed courses regularly, but some are not available every year. For guidance about which courses might best fit your particular needs, please consult the faculty members listed below.
The Law School encourages students interested in family, gender, and sexuality to explore a range of related opportunities including participating in the following student organizations: the Women’s Law Caucus, the Women of Color Law Society, OutLaw, and If/When/How (Lawyering for Reproductive Justice). In addition, students can apply to co-teach a course in Law, Gender, and Justice to Washington University undergraduates. This for-credit opportunity affords students first-hand involvement in all aspects of designing, structuring, and teaching the course. Together with these opportunities, students can also participate in a variety of conferences, lectures, panels, and roundtables related to family, gender and sexuality.
Lemma Barkeloo & Phoebe Couzins Professor of Law
Wiley B. Rutledge Professor of Law
William M. Van Cleve Professor of Law; Founder & Co-director of the Law & Culture Initiative; Professor of Organizational Behavior and Leadership, Olin Business School
Daniel Noyes Kirby Professor of Law
Charles F. Nagel Professor of Employment and Labor Law