Incoming students gathered at Graham Chapel yesterday for an inspiring Convocation 2023. Dean Russell K. Osgood introduced St. Louis Circuit Attorney Gabriel Gore, who delivered the keynote address.

Mr. Gore was appointed by Governor Mike Parsons and sworn in on May 30, 2023. An experienced prosecutor and trial attorney, Mr. Gore has been practicing for nearly 30 years. Some wisdom from his remarks included: “Your experience here will change you forever. I implore you to pursue your studies with a collaborative spirit. Success cannot be achieved alone.”

They were accompanied on stage by Elizabeth Walsh, associate dean for student life and academic services, and Mike Koby, associate dean for international and graduate programs.

Students greeted one another as the ceremony began.

For more photos and video from Convocation 2023, follow @washulawlife and @washulawdean on Instagram!
Photography by Dan Donovan