Kirill Abramov

Adjunct Professor

Thomas Albus Headshot

Thomas Albus

Adjunct Professor

Dennis J. Capriglione Headshot

Dennis J. Capriglione

Adjunct Professor

Morry S. Cole Headshot

Morry S. Cole

Adjunct Professor

Megan Crane Headshot

Megan Crane

Adjunct Professor and Co-Director of Wrongful Conviction Clinic

James Delworth Headshot

James Delworth

Adjunct Professor

John Drake Headshot

John Drake

Adjunct Professor

Scott Eidson Headshot

Scott Eidson

Adjunct Professor

Michael Fagan Headshot

Michael Fagan

Adjunct Professor

Theodore Fox Headshot

Theodore Fox

Adjunct Professor

Michael Gallagher Headshot

Michael Gallagher

Adjunct Professor

Judge Lech Garlicki Headshot

Judge Lech Garlicki

Adjunct Professor

Michael Geigerman Headshot

Michael Geigerman

Adjunct Professor

Ben Good Headshot

Ben Good

Adjunct Professor

Joel Gotkin Headshot

Joel Gotkin

Adjunct Professor

Steven Gunn Headshot

Steven Gunn

Adjunct Professor

Edward J. Heisel Headshot

Edward J. Heisel

Adjunct Professor

Christopher Hoell Headshot

Christopher Hoell

Adjunct Professor

Leigh Hunt Greenhaw Headshot

Leigh Hunt Greenhaw

Adjunct Professor

Milos Ivkovic Headshot

Milos Ivkovic

Adjunct Professor

James Russell Jackson Headshot

James Russell Jackson

Adjunct Professor

Jason Kempf Headshot

Jason Kempf

Adjunct Professor

Melvin D. Kennedy Headshot

Melvin D. Kennedy

Adjunct Professor

Robert Kestelik Headshot

Robert Kestelik

Adjunct Professor

M. Imad Khan Headshot

M. Imad Khan

Adjunct Professor

Gregory Kirsch Headshot

Gregory Kirsch

Adjunct Professor

James Kutten Headshot

James Kutten

Adjunct Professor

Soheil Mansouri Headshot

Soheil Mansouri

Adjunct Professor

Judge David Mason Headshot

Judge David Mason

Adjunct Professor

Michelle Monahan Headshot

Michelle Monahan

Adjunct Professor

Stephanie Moore Headshot

Stephanie Moore

Adjunct Instructor, Legal English Programs

John Paliga Headshot

John Paliga

Adjunct Faculty

Sunita Parikh Headshot

Sunita Parikh

Associate Professor of Political Science

Andrea M. Patton Headshot

Andrea M. Patton

Adjunct Professor

Justin Perryman Headshot

Justin Perryman

Adjunct Professor

Alan Pratzel Headshot

Alan Pratzel

Adjunct Professor

Rodolfo Rivera Headshot

Rodolfo Rivera

Adjunct Professor

Tricia Rojo Bushnell Headshot

Tricia Rojo Bushnell

Adjunct Professor and Co-Director of Wrongful Conviction Clinic

David Rosen Headshot

David Rosen

Adjunct Professor

Mark Rudder Headshot

Mark Rudder

Mock Trial Team Supervisor

John Sabourin Headshot

John Sabourin

Adjunct Professor

Margaret Samadi Headshot

Margaret Samadi

Assistant Director of Career Center and Bar Success; Adjunct Professor

Brian Santo Headshot

Brian Santo

Adjunct Professor

Judge Barry Schermer Headshot

Judge Barry Schermer

Adjunct Professor

Gilbert Sison Headshot

Gilbert Sison

Adjunct Professor

Jeffrey A. St. Omer Headshot

Jeffrey A. St. Omer

Adjunct Faculty

Cort VanOstran Headshot

Cort VanOstran

Adjunct Professor

Tammy Walsh Headshot

Tammy Walsh

Adjunct Professor