Anne Baker Headshot

Anne Baker

Low Income Taxpayer Clinic Staff Attorney Fellow

Laura Bannish Headshot

Laura Bannish

Senior Career Counselor; Lecturer in Law; Director of the Semester–In–Practice Externship

Darryl Barker Headshot

Darryl Barker

Director, Multimedia Technology

Dylan Barker Headshot

Dylan Barker

Audio Visual Tech Assistant

Mark Bass Headshot

Mark Bass

Coordinator of Legal English Programs

Tim Beck Headshot

Tim Beck

Director of Distance Education

Dorie Bertram Headshot

Dorie Bertram

Director Public Services; Lecturer in Law

Tanya Bishop Headshot

Tanya Bishop

Recruiting & Operations Manager

Claire Boine Headshot

Claire Boine

Research Fellow - Cordell Institute for Policy in Medicine & Law

Gail Boker Headshot

Gail Boker

Associate Dean for Special Events and Programs

Hyla Bondareff Headshot

Hyla Bondareff

Special Project Consultant

Lisa Bradley Headshot

Lisa Bradley

Director of Accounting Operations

Carrie Burns Headshot

Carrie Burns

Director of Financial Aid and Student Life

Michael Davenport Headshot

Michael Davenport

Senior Application/Database Developer

Juan Del Valle Headshot

Juan Del Valle

Director of International Programs & Lecturer in Law, International Programs

Ana Dias Headshot

Ana Dias

Administrative Assistant

Abby Dodd Headshot

Abby Dodd

Administrative Assistant

Anna Donovan Headshot

Anna Donovan

Director of Operations and Admissions Communications

Ryan Durrie Headshot

Ryan Durrie

Associate Director –Cordell Institute

Emily Farfan Headshot

Emily Farfan

Senior Associate Director of Alumni Engagement and Stewardship

TJ Faust Headshot

TJ Faust

Circulation and Public Services Assistant

Deionna Ferguson Headshot

Deionna Ferguson

Director of the Marshall-Brennan Fellowship Program

Toni Finch Headshot

Toni Finch

Executive Director of Advancement

Jordan Francis Headshot

Jordan Francis

Legal Research Fellow

Mahrya Fulfer Page Headshot

Mahrya Fulfer Page

Senior Director of Judicial Clerkships and Public Interest; Lecturer in Law; Co-Director of the Judicial Clerkship Externship

Emily Gardner Headshot

Emily Gardner

Assistant Dean for Placement; Lecturer in Law

Amy Gravel Headshot

Amy Gravel

Office of Student Life Coordinator

Billy Gutierrez Headshot

Billy Gutierrez

Director of Communications & Technology

Jeanne Heil-Chapdelaine Headshot

Jeanne Heil-Chapdelaine

Assistant Dean and Director, Graduate and International Programs, Lecturer in Law

Sarah Hellin Headshot

Sarah Hellin

Assistant Dean of Academic Services & Registrar

Peter Hook Headshot

Peter Hook

Director and Associate Dean of the Law Library

Agnes Hu Headshot

Agnes Hu

Career Center LLM Advisor

Rita Hu Headshot

Rita Hu

Adjunct Instructor, Legal English Programs

Rachael Johnson Headshot

Rachael Johnson

International and Graduate Program Coordinator

Anne Keck Headshot

Anne Keck

Director of Budget and Finance

Alice Kim Headshot

Alice Kim

Assistant Director of Student Life

Tove Klovning Headshot

Tove Klovning

Foreign, Comparative & International Law Librarian; Lecturer in Law

Zoë Lemcovitz Headshot

Zoë Lemcovitz

Adjunct Instructor, Legal English Programs

Wei Luo Headshot

Wei Luo

Lecturer in Law; Director, Technical Services/Librarian

Rachel Mance Headshot

Rachel Mance

Faculty Support Supervisor

Mary Mason Headshot

Mary Mason

Associate Director and Adjunct Professor, Cordell Institute for Policy in Medicine & Law

Laura McLaughlin Headshot

Laura McLaughlin

Assistant Director of Academic Support and Bar Preparation

Kim McManemy Headshot

Kim McManemy

Senior HR & Payroll Professional

Elizabeth Miller Headshot

Elizabeth Miller

Executive Assistant to Dean Stefanie A. Lindquist

Kathie Molyneaux Headshot

Kathie Molyneaux

Interlibrary Loan Assistant, Access Services

Stephanie Moore Headshot

Stephanie Moore

Adjunct Instructor, Legal English Programs

Susan Mueller Headshot

Susan Mueller

Manager of Circulation and Public Services

Eva Ostrow Headshot

Eva Ostrow

Senior Associate Dean of Finance

Katie O’Flynn Headshot

Katie O’Flynn

Clinical Education Program Operations Manager

Julio Perez Headshot

Julio Perez

Academic & Financial Analyst

Maxwell Pernick Headshot

Maxwell Pernick

Engineering and Science Fellow, Interdisciplinary Environmental Clinic

Kara Post Headshot

Kara Post

Career Center Coordinator

Anne Prater Headshot

Anne Prater

Faculty Administrative Assistant

Brittany Robb Headshot

Brittany Robb

Associate Director of Advancement, Annual Fund

Jeff Roberts Headshot

Jeff Roberts

Assistant Dean & Director of Facilities

Allison Roberts Headshot

Allison Roberts

Assistant Director of Distance Education

Jamie Roggen Headshot

Jamie Roggen

International and Graduate Program Coordinator

Lexie Salamone Headshot

Lexie Salamone

Nimick Forbesway Foundation Legal Fellow

Margaret Samadi Headshot

Margaret Samadi

Assistant Director of Career Center and Bar Success; Adjunct Professor

Merce’de Savala Headshot

Merce’de Savala

Senior Career Counselor, Career Center; Lecturer in Law; Director of the Government Lawyering Externship

Katherine Scannell Headshot

Katherine Scannell

Vice Dean for Institutional Success

Alison Smith Headshot

Alison Smith

Director of Career Center for Resources and Strategy; Placement; Lecturer in Law; Co-Director of the Lawyering Practice Externship

Angela Smith Headshot

Angela Smith

Assistant Dean of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Molly Snyder Headshot

Molly Snyder

Career Advisor; Lecturer in Law; Co-Director of the Judicial Clerkship Externship

Megan Spence Headshot

Megan Spence

Communications Specialist

Elyse Tillman Headshot

Elyse Tillman

Administrative Assistant, Clinical Education Program - Law School

Daniel Tjandrasa Headshot

Daniel Tjandrasa

Director of Information Technology

Peter Van Brunt Headshot

Peter Van Brunt

Research and Instruction Librarian & Lecturer in Law

Elizabeth Walsh Headshot

Elizabeth Walsh

Associate Dean, Student Life

DeArryka Williams Headshot

DeArryka Williams

Faculty Administrative Assistant

Benjamin Wilson Headshot

Benjamin Wilson

First Amendment Clinic Stanton Foundation Legal Fellow

Aris Woodham Headshot

Aris Woodham

Director of Educational Technology, School of Law; Lecturer in Law

Amanda Wortmann Headshot

Amanda Wortmann

Registrar and Academic Advising Program Coordinator

Chris Wyrick Headshot

Chris Wyrick

Special Projects Consultant

Joshua Zink Headshot

Joshua Zink

Resource Description and Technical Services Librarian