Adam H. Rosenzweig
Professor of Law
Professor Adam H. Rosenzweig is an expert on issues of international taxation, tax competition, international business, and cross-border capital markets. He has published extensively in both student-edited and peer-edited law reviews and tax journals, and is frequently invited to speak on these topics in national media and at forums across the world. He has published articles on issues ranging from corporate inversions, carried interest, tax havens, tax law & development, and the interaction of taxation and international trade. Prior to joining Washington University, Professor Rosenzweig served as an associate at the law firm of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett in New York and served as a law clerk to the Honorable James L. Dennis of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans. Prof. Rosenzweig has previously taught at Northwestern University School of Law and the University of Texas School of Law, and has also served as Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at WashU Law.
- Education
- JD, Georgetown University Law Center 1998
- LLM in Taxation, New York University School of Law, 2002
- Courses
- Federal Income Tax
- International Taxation
- Partnership Tax
- International Business Transactions
- Business Associations
- Areas of Expertise
- US federal income tax
- International Tax
- International Business
- Cross-Border Capital Markets
- Private Investment Funds
- Publications
- The Up-C Revolution, 71 Tax Law Rev. __ (2018) (with Gregg Polsky)
- Thinking Outside the (Tax) Treaty Revisited, 41 Brook. J. Int’l Law 1229 (2017)
- Can Tax Rates Really Affect the Taxes of Multinational Corporations? The Impact of the 1993 Corporate Tax Rate Increase on Fortune 500 Companies (with Nathan M. Jensen), 12 J. Emp. Leg. Stud. 757 (2015)
- Source as a Solution to Residence, 17 Fla. Tax Rev. 471 (2015)
- Defining a Country’s “Fair Share” of Taxes, 42 Fla. State L. Rev. 373 (2015)
- Revisiting the Law of Moses’ Rod: The Case of Inversions, 145 Tax Notes 429 (Oct. 27, 2014).
- News Analysis: Building a Framework for a Post-BEPS World, 74 Tax Notes Int’l 1077 (June 23, 2014)
- The Article III Fiscal Power, 29 Const. Comm. 127 (2014)
- A Corporate Tax for the Next Hundred Years: A Proposal for a Dynamic, Self-Adjusting Corporate Tax Rate, 108 Nw. U. L. Rev. 1029 (2014)
- Thinking Outside the (Tax) Treaty, 2012 Wisc. L. Rev. 717.
- Imperfect Financial Markets and the Hidden Costs of a Modern Income Tax, 62 SMU L Rev. 239 (2009)
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