Andrew Tuch
Professor of Law
Professor Tuch teaches Corporations Law, Investment Banking and Private Equity, and Securities Regulation. His scholarly interests include securities and financial regulation, corporate law and governance, and comparative law. His work has appeared in multiple law reviews, peer-reviewed journals, and edited volumes. His articles “Multiple Gatekeepers” (Virginia Law Review) and “Reassessing Self-Dealing: Between No Conflict and Fairness” (Fordham Law Review) have been selected in a national poll of scholars as among the Top Ten Corporate and Securities articles in their respective years.
Tuch serves on the AALS Securities Regulation Executive Committee and has chaired the AALS Executive Committees for Business Associations and Financial Institutions. Beyond the AALS, he served a four-year term as a member of the Financial Industry Regulation Authority’s National Adjudicatory Council. He has been quoted by national news outlets, including the Wall Street Journal and New York Times.
Before joining Washington University’s faculty, Tuch taught at Sydney Law School and as a Byse Fellow at Harvard. He practiced law at Davis Polk & Wardwell in New York and London. He holds LLM and SJD degrees from Harvard Law School, where he was a Fulbright Scholar, a Fellow of the Program on Corporate Governance, an Olin Fellow in Law and Economics, and a two-time recipient of the Brudney Best Paper Prize in Corporate Governance.
Professor Tuch’s working papers and published scholarship are available for download here.
- Education
- S.J.D., Harvard Law School
- LL.M., Harvard Law School
- LL.B., University of Queensland
- B.Com., University of Queensland
- Courses
- Corporations
- Securities Regulation
- Investment Banking and Private Equity
- Topics in Financial Regulation Seminar
- Advanced Securities Regulation Seminar
- Areas of Expertise
- Financial Regulation
- Securities Regulation
- Corporate law
- Investment banking
- Publications
SSRN Author’s Page (selected publications)
- “Green Gatekeepers,” 109 Minn. L. Rev. 609 (2024) (with Luca Enriques & Alessandro Romano)
- 2024 Berkeley-European Corporate Governance Institute Best Paper Award in ESG (Senior Category)
- “Fairness Opinions and SPAC Reform,” 100 Wash U. L. Rev. 1793 (2023)
- “The Further Erosion of Investor Protection: Expanded Exemptions, SPAC Mergers and Direct Listings” (with Joel Seligman), 108 Iowa L. Rev. 303 (2022)
- Selected by peers for republication in Securities Law Review (2023)
- “A General Defense of Information Fiduciaries,” 98 Wash. U. L. Rev. 1897 (2021)
- “Managing Management Buyouts: A US-UK Comparative Analysis,” in Research Handbook on Comparative Corporate Governance (A. Afsharipour & M. Gelter eds., 2021)
- “Reassessing Self-Dealing: Between No Conflict and Fairness,” 88 Fordham L. Rev. 939 (2019)
- Selected among the “Ten Best Corporate and Securities Articles of 2020” by Corporate Practice Commentator
- Selected for Yale / Stanford/ Harvard Junior Faculty Forum, 2019
- “Review of The Foundations of Anglo-American Corporate Fiduciary Law,” 78(1) Cambridge L.J. 210 (2019)
- “Proxy Advisor Influence in a Comparative Light,” 99 B.U. L. Rev. 1459 (2019)
- Selected by peers for republication in Corporate Practice Commentator (2019)
- “Fiduciary Principles in Banking Law,” in Oxford Handbook of Fiduciary Law (Evan J. Criddle, Paul B. Miller, and Robert H. Sitkoff, eds., 2019)
- “The Weakening of Fiduciary Law,” in Research Handbook on Fiduciary Law (Andrew Gold & Gordon Smith, eds., 2018)
- “The Remaking of Wall Street,” 7 Harvard Business Law Review 315 (2017)
- “The Limits of Gatekeeper Liability,” 73 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. Online 619 (2017) (invited response to Stavros Gadinis & Colby Mangels, “Collaborative Gatekeepers”)
- “Banker Loyalty in Mergers and Acquisitions,” 94 Texas Law Review 1079 (2016)
- Selected by peers for republication in Corporate Practice Commentator (2017)
- “Conduct of Business Regulation,” in Oxford Handbook of Financial Regulation (Niamh Moloney, Eilis Ferran, & Jennifer Payne, eds., 2015)
- “Disclaiming Loyalty: M&A Advisors and Their Engagement Letters,” 93 Texas Law Review See Also 211 (2015) (invited response to William Bratton & Michael Wachter, “Bankers and Chancellors”)
- “The Self-Regulation of Investment Bankers,” 83 George Washington Law Review 101 (2014)
- Prize-winner at 2014 Junior Faculty Business and Financial Law Workshop at George Washington University, Center for Law, Economics & Finance
- Selected by peers for republication in Corporate Practice Commentator (2016)
- “Financial Conglomerates and Information Barriers,” 39 Journal of Corporation Law 563 (2014)
- Selected by peers for republication in Securities Law Review (2015), an annual anthology that reprints eight to 10 outstanding securities law articles to give them broader exposure
- “Conflicted Gatekeepers: The Volcker Rule and Goldman Sachs,” 7 Virginia Law & Business Review 365 (2012)
- Awarded Harvard’s Victor Brudney Best Paper Prize, 2011
- “Multiple Gatekeepers,” 96 Virginia Law Review 1583 (2010)
- Selected among the “Ten Best Corporate and Securities Articles of 2011” by Corporate Practice Commentator
- Awarded Harvard’s Victor Brudney Best Paper Prize, 2010
- “Green Gatekeepers,” 109 Minn. L. Rev. 609 (2024) (with Luca Enriques & Alessandro Romano)
- Activity and Affiliations
- Member, National Adjudicatory Council, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), 2018 –
- Executive Committee, AALS Business Associations Section, 2016 – 2020 (Chair, 2020)
- Executive Committee, AALS Financial Institutions and Consumer Financial Services Section, 2017 – 2020 (Chair, 2019)
- Executive Committee, AALS Securities Regulation Section, 2018 –
- Honors and Awards
- Israel Treiman Faculty Fellow, Washington University School of Law, 2017-18
- Europa-Kolleg Hamburg Fellowship (funded visit to Max Planck Institute), 2016
- John M. Olin Fellow, Harvard Law School, 2008–2012
- Fellow of the Program on Corporate Governance, Harvard Law School, 2008–2012
- Harvey Fellowship, Mustard Seed Foundation (funding for doctoral studies), 2008–11
- Harvard-Byse Teaching Fellowship, 2010
- Harvard-Cravath Travelling Fellowship, 2010
- Graduate Program Fellowship, Harvard Law School, 2007–09
- Selected by Directorship Magazine as among the 100 “most influential people on corporate governance and in the boardroom” (as Co-editor, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation), 2008
- Gates Cambridge Scholarship for PhD Study at Cambridge University, 2007–10 (not accepted)
- Fulbright Scholarship, 1998–99
- Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship, 1998–99
- Download CV