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Leigh Hunt Greenhaw

Adjunct Professor

Professor Greenhaw taught Introduction to U.S. Law and Methods for foreign lawyers in the LLM program at Washington University School of Law. Currently an active member of the Missouri Bar, she also has taught a state and religion seminar to law students as well as a history of the U.S. Supreme Court to undergraduates at Washington University. Greenhaw has been a Visiting Professor at Aoyama Gakuin University Law School in Tokyo, Japan, and a Visiting Scholar at Macquarie University School of Law in Sydney, Australia. A speaker on First Amendment issues at domestic and international conferences, she has written on law and religion, equal rights, and other constitutional issues. Prior to joining the law school, Greenhaw practiced law in Illinois with Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Corporation, in Nashville, Tennessee, with Doramus & Trauger, and in St. Louis with Coleman, Ross, Goetz & Ramirez. She also directed the legal writing program at Vanderbilt University School of Law and was an Associate Professor of Law at Widener University School of Law in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where she taught constitutional law and First Amendment. In addition, she clerked for Chief Judge Donald P. Lay, Chief Judge of the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.

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  • Courses
    • Intro to US Law & Methods